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CLEAR SIGNAL VIDEO maintains a collection
of mainly railroad-related VHS videos, now numbering well over 2000 titles. All videos are available for rental on a
weekly basis.
HOW IT WORKS: If you'd like to try our service, look over the catalog listings on this site and email
us your name and mailing address, along with a listing of the titles you'd like to rent (just list the catalog numbers). You
are not required to request any specific number of rentals, and you can update your "request" list at any time. If you request
a lot of tapes, that makes our job easy, but if you want to request only one tape, thats fine.
(Or, skip sending the
list, and let us choose videos to send you on the subjects that interest you -- satisfaction guaranteed or no payment due!)
Needless to say, you can cancel at any time, for any reason. We'll send you one tape the first time, but you can rent
up to four at a time thereafter. You may specify the interval at which you would like to receive shipments. (If no interval
is specified, we send a new shipment upon receiving your returned videos.) In a matter of a couple weeks, youll receive your
first rental shipment.
You may keep the videos one week from the date you receive them. Return them in the packaging
provided, enclosing your payment for those rentals (advance payment is not required).
RENTAL FEES: one video - $7.25,
2 videos - $12.50, 3 videos - $17.00, 4 videos - $21.00. We send the shipments by US Postal Service Media Mail. We pay
postage out, you pay postage back. You can receive faster service by requesting Priority Mail (at rental rates of $7.75, $14.00,
$19.00, and $23.50). If your videos are kept longer than one week, we do ask that you add $1.00 per day late fee to your payment
(Honor System!).
Have any videos you're tired of? We accept most previously viewed railroad videos (producers originals
only, preferably in original packaging) for credit toward rentals at a rate of three credit rentals per trade-in video. Before
sending your tapes, check with us to be sure we can use them.
This is a simple and workable arrangement that has been
working fine for hundreds of enthusiastic customers since we started business in 1987. The service is personally oriented,
so if you put a note in with your returns, one of us will read it and respond. You can email us with questions or instructions
24/7 at
Every few months we publish an update to our catalog, listing all the new programs that have been added since the last update.
Everyone in our database receives a copy, either by email, regular mail, or both.