9 MS "A" and the "J", The Trackside 45 Witness the railfan event of the decade as #1218 & # 611
storm up Christianburg Mountain side by side, then doublehead back to Roanoke. You'll pop your valves over this amazing video.
286 MS #4449 - Daylight To The Fair Pentrex 90 Pentrexs first production. The most complete coverage available of the
1984 trip of the SP Daylight from Portland to New Orleans. Along the way we ride aboard, pace alongside and share in the festivities.
Definitely the world's most beautiful train.
1868 MS #614 1997 Trips Menkelsounds '98 120 Two one-hour programs. One shows ex C&O 4-8-4 #614 on excursions
in New Jersey; the other is a compilation of various railroading scenes shot 1995-1997.
1780 MS 100 Engine Tape, The Main Line 100 One hundred different steam locos
736 MS 1385 In Iowa 72
1 MS 18 Wheels of Steel Hopewell 55 Hopewell's contribution to the taped coverage of N&W #1218, with runbys, aerial
scenes, 'suicide' shots, and pacing. Fine editing.
1712 MS 1990 & 1991 Norfolk Southern Steam R. Smith (A) ?
896 MS 2102: The American Northern Berkshire 55
1777 MS 261 - The Power of the Milwaukee Road Goodheart '93 56 Restoration and first runs of No. 261
719 MS 2716 Freight!/ Royal Hudson 2839 Main Line 70
1000 MS 2765 on the C&O Scholl 60
1350 MS 44 Years of 8444 Video Rails 60
1881 MS 4960 Steam Star of the Grand Canyon Railway Goodheart '96 85 Full coverage of the 4960's first steam-ups after
rebuilding, test runs, inaugural run, and regular daily service, with cab rides.
791 MS 611 Autumn In The Rathole Trainland Video 60
883 MS 611 On Saluda American AltaVista 120 Exciting coverage, shot by 13 camera crews, of N&W's big "J"
running up and down the 5% Saluda Grade with a heavy 20-car passenger excursion.
1821 MS 614 - Autumn Spectacular Menkelsounds '96 ? Ex-C&O 4-8-4 #614, Hoboken to Port Jervis, trial run and six
fan trips, October 1996.
1650 MS 614 Autumn Spectacular Menkelsounds 55
1628 MS 614: Tracking a Thoroughbred RR Video '97 60
1156 MS 614T: Severe Clear Pacing Images 30
755 MS 765: Pittsburg Pacing Images '87
973 MS 8444 Rides Again Video Rails '89 80
647 MS A Steamtown Railfan Weekend Nelson Guild 120
2046 MS Above 3751 Over Cajon Pentrex '99 75 Pentrex cameras on the ground, on board the train, and in the air recorded
the journey of Santa Fe #3751 over Cajon Pass on its way to attend Railfair '99. Many minutes of spectacular overhead views
make this video a winner!
10 MS Ace of Black Diamonds Hopewell 52 4-8-4 #614T hauls coal between Huntington and Hinton, WV, in 1985. An introduction
by Ross Rowland is followed by spectacular action shots at Cotton Hill and in New River Gorge. Helicopter pacing sequences,
magnificent steam clouds.
978 MS All Aboard For Eureka Mountain Automation '93 30
1496 MS All Good Things Trackside '95 85
1381 MS America's Hist. Stm. Rwys: Grand Canyon Railroad Goldhill 30
1401 MS Atlanta Steam Celebration Pentrex 90
603 MS Berkshire Montage Series, Vol. 2 Berkshire 58
1459 MS Berkshire Through the Bluegrass Lasting Impressions ?
507 MS Berkshire's Montage Series, Vol. 3 Berkshire 60
718 MS CD CP Best of 1991 Pentrex '92 90
1289 MS CD Best of 1993 Video Rails 90
670 MS Best of Narrow Gauge (D&RGW) Green Frog 62
936 MS ED Best of Video Rails, Part 1 Video Rails 60
195 MS Big "A", The Sunday River 60 Here is #1218 at its finest on the Bluefield, Blue Ridge and Christiansburg
grades. You'll see mind-blowing helicopter coverage of the big articulated as it assaults the Alleghenies,
620 MS Big Six, The Hopewell 48
1861 MS Big Steam At Atlanta Mainline Motion Pictures '94 120 1994 N.R.H.S. Convention, starring Frisco #1522, N&W
#611, Souther #4501, single- and double-headed runs on several routes around Atlanta.
848 MS ED Blue Mountain & Reading Railfan Weekend III Trainland 92 Reading 4-8-4 #2102 and BMR's 4-6-2 #425 are
the star performers in this video visit to Railfan Weekend III in 1988. You'll also see the famous PRR E-8 and several other
diesels in action, capped off by a steam doubleheader,
554 MS ED Blue Mountain & Reading RR Berkshire 60
1511 MS Blue Mountain Steam Valhalla 55
463 MS BM&R Railfan Weekend II Kaufman 30
1649 MS C&O 614: Return of a Thoroughbre Mark I 150
46 MS C&O 614T - The March To Hinton Video Rails 30 Performing trials for the ACE3000 project, 4-8-4 #614 hauls
heavy coal trains between Huntington and Hinton WV. Watch as this incredible locomotive battles snow and -80 wind chills
in the New River Gorge.
1261 MS C&T in '73 Green Frog 46
2065 MS California Challenger - UP 3985 Convention Special Pentrex '00 70 In August 2000, the UP Challenger header
over Cajon Pass to Los Angeles to display the power and prestige of the Union Pacific at the Democratic National Convention.
Pentrex made a good record of the trip back and forth, all captured in this tape.
708 MS California Western Railroad Pentrex '91 60
604 MS California Western Railway Bill Nickels (A) 40
539 MS CALS At Cass Trackside 75
330 MS Canadian Doubleheader Steam Pentrex 60 Former CP 2860 & 6060 pull an awesome doubleheader through some of
Canada's best scenery from Vancouver to Jasper, then are joined by former CP 3716 for the trip back to Vancouver.
730 MS Canadian Steam (Mighty Steam Series) Pentrex '91 30
1565 MS VS Cass & Mower Logging Trains Green Frog 90
691 MS Cass Scenic Railroad Pentrex 52
2060 MS Cass Scenic Railroad Pentrex/Goodtimes '90 49 In the high mountains of West Virginia is the old lumbering town
of Cass and its twisting railroad that extends to the top of Bald Knob. This video shows various steam-centered railfan events,
including a triple-header.
2009 MS Centennial Train Lasting Impressions 60 Not yet reviewed
769 MS Chattanooga Steam Reunion Pentrex '92 40
917 MS Chesapeake & Ohio 2765 Zeitler 120
918 MS ED Chicago Steam Celebration Pentrex 120
811 MS FR China, Steam Into The Nineties, Pt. 1: The West Video Rails 60
812 MS FR China, Steam Into The Nineties, Pt. 2: The East Video Rails 60
573 MS Climbin' To The Canyon Berkshire 60
1864 MS Coal Hoppers Mountain Thunder & More Mainline Motion Pictures 60 A visit to the Western Maryland Scenic
Railroad, showing 2-8-0 #734 in action on the steep grade between Cumberland and Frostburg, pulling loaded coal hoppers and
passenger consists. The old Baldwin still puts on a good show.
1648 MS Coal Rides Again on the Western Maryland Blue Ridge '97 50
642 MS Coal Smoke and Steam Group Four 60
793 MS Colorado Narrow Gauge Steam Crestline 25
1255 MS Colorado Steam Mecca Green Frog 60
72 MS Complete 3985, The Sunday River 39 A definitive video on this magnificent articulated, with good scenery and
heart stopping runbys. Doubleheading on Sherman & Double heading on Donner; terrific action throughout.
789 MS Convention Highlights NHRS Huntington 1991 Mark I '91 80
618 MS Conversion of 3985 Gandy Dancer 40
728 MS Cottonbelt 819 (mighty Steam Series) Pentrex '91 30
541 MS Crossroads Village & Huckleberry RR Stokes (A) 60
2017 MS Cumbres & Toltec Railway Productions 60 Engine servicing in Chama, doubleheader on Cumbres Pass, Antonito
train, great auntumn scenery, and many remote locations highlight this visit to the fascinating New Mexico naroow gauge railroad.
950 MS Cumbres & Toltec - Big Horn Turn Viking 100
589 MS Cumbres & Toltec Freight Train Pentrex 60
910 MS Cumbres & Toltec Railroad Pearson Productions 60 A ride on this unique narrow gauge line from Antonito to
Chama, with a stop at Osier to meet the opposing train. It is October 1991 and the fall colors are peaking. Great color
and scenery in this one, with very sparse narration.
348 MS Cumbres & Toltec Revisited JMJ '81 115
1431 MS Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad Goldhill '94 30
698 MS Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Rotary Snowplow Pentrex 40
770 MS Cumbres & Toltec Scenic: Passenger Train Pentrex '91 75
1518 MS Daylight 4449's Oregon Journey Pentrex 56
954 MS Daylight Express Skyfire 90
66 MS Daylight on Tehachapi Sunday River 32 4449 from Portland tl Los Angeles. Pacing and aerial shots as the World's
Fair Daylight races for New Orleans
1528 MS Daylight to Vancouver Pentrex 30
1124 MS Dixie Flyers, The Trackside 109
592 MS Dixie Limited #4501 Unattributed '85 120
621 MS Doubleheader! Mark I 60
247 MS Doubleheading On The N&W Sunday River 10 Texas & Pacific #610 in SR colors doubleheading with Southern
#4501 between Roanoke and Lynchburg, then solo on the Bluefield Grade. Helicopter pacing and good runbys make up for this
one's brevity.
1281 MS Durango & Silverton Narrow Gau Pentrex 60
1340 MS Durango & Silverton Narrow Gaug Pentrex 60
884 MS Durango & Silverton Railroad Pearson Productions 60
709 MS Durango & Silverton, The Elite Rail Modelers 90
482 MS East Broadtop Fall Spectacular 1988 Kaufman 47
446 MS East Broadtop Fall Spectacular, 1989 Albright, D. ?
1319 MS CP Eastern Train Excitement Menkelsounds 120
1618 MS Eureka & Palisade - Woodburner on the Durango & Silverton Pentrex '96 50
1812 MS/CD CD Eureka Southern Railroad - Willits To Eureka DF & Associates 37 Northwestern Pacific 75th Anniversary,
California Western steam deep in the redwoods, Northcoast Daylight run on the Eureka Southern, etc.
262 MS Extra 4449 West Sunday River 32 Follow the Daylight on its epic trip from Miami to Portland. #4449 sports Freedom
Train livery
473 MS Fall Excursions 1989: #611 and #1218 Thompson, Al 90
77 MS VS Farewell Santa Fe Steam Interurban Films 31 4-8-4 #3759's last trip, from L.A. to Barstow in 1955
191 MS Favorites On Freight Sunday River 45 Favorite steam locomotives, that is! Namely, Daylight #4449 in Freedom
Train colors, UP #8444 in freight service, beautiful footage of NKP Berkshire #765, and UP Challenger #3985 doubleheading
with #8444 to Sacramento.
389 MS Frisco Filly, The Berkshire 50 #1522 in freight service and maiden excursion service. Restoration, runbys,
pacing. in cab and more.
1905 MS Geared Triple Header Valhalla Video '95 75 Four logging locomotives at the Mt. Rainier Scenic RR in April 1995,
featuring freight train runbys over the Nisqually River Bridge and other impressive scenes. Narrated, with stereo sound.
996 MS Georgetown Loop RR Eager Outdoor 30
1115 MS Georgia On My Mind Trackside '92 62
551 MS Gettysburg Railroad, The Berkshire 30
650 MS Ghost Train Camrac 75
367 MS Gold Rush Line - White Pass & Yukon RR BBC/Pentrex 40 Follow the White Pass & Yukon Railroad high above
the Skagway River. Today, it's a steam tourist line, and this BBC production does it full justice.
2066 MS Grand Canyon Railway Pentrex/Goodtimes '98 61 In this program we see #4960 climb from Williams, AZ, to the
canyon rim, visit the Railway's Museum, then ride the Williams Flyer to pass the beautiful Ponderosa Pines of Kaibab National
913 MS Great American Train Rides Pentrex 60
1380 MS TR Great American Train Rides, Vol. 3 Pentrex 60
1039 MS ED Great American Train Rides, Vol. II Pentrex '94 60 Cumbres & Toltec; Railtown 1897; Yosemite Mt. Sugar
Pine, Western Railway Museum, and four others.
476 MS Great Steam '89 Mainline 60
1439 MS Great Steam Trains Greg Scholl '94 60
1826 MS High Iron To Huntington Trackside '91 ? 1991 Huntington NRHS Convention coverage: NKP 765, PM 1225, N&W
1311 MS Historic Steam RR Georgetown Lp Goldhill 30
1527 MS FR Hudson Through the Hills - R761 in South Australia ARE Video 88
690 MS Huntington '91 Berkshire 90
660 MS Huntington Steam Celebration Pentrex 90
833 MS Illinois Railway Museum Railway Productions '92 45
576 MS Independence Limited '89 Berkshire 90
87 MS Juniata's Jewel Berkshire 53 After a segment of excellent film of K4s in action in the 30s, 40s & 50s, you'll
watch #1361 removed from her display site at Horseshoe Curve and down to Altoona for restoration.
451 MS K4 #1361 Comes To York PA Albright, D. 60
1139 MS CD Keith's Trains #28 Nickel Plate Glory Keith Lehman 120 NKP 587; NKP 765
93 MS Last Breath of Fire Hopewell 30 Spend a day with the crew of GTW #3740, a classic USRA light Mikado, as they
handle a way freight from Durand MI to Fernwood Yard, near Detroit. The time is the late 50s.
503 MS LAUPT & EMD's 50th Anniversary Collection Viking 25
334 MS Life Begins At Forty Hopewell 58 NKP Berkshire #765 stars in this one, with N&W 4-8-4 #611 making a guest
appearance. Highlights of the 1984 NRHS Convention, many runbys and behind the scenes action.
314 MS Little Engines That Could - EBT Berkshire 52 More than just a series of runbys, this video about the East Broad
Top RR gives us a fine mix of history, dramatic photography.
531 MS Little River Railroad, The Viking 60
516 MS FR Love Those Trains National Geographic 60
909 MS Mainiac Rides Trains in the White Mountains Lejunhud, Phil (A) 60
313 MS Majestic Mikado - Southern 4501 Berkshire 40 Green and gold Southern #4501 struts her stuff in 1985. Thirty
passes, pacing, rare K&T film and enjoyable narrative make this a treat for the steam fan.
2036 MS Marathon Of Steam, Vol. 2 Les Jarrett 120 A compilation of scenes from "Blue Mountain And Reading",
"From The Redwoods To The Boardwalk", and "Illinois Railway Museum". Steam and early diesels are represented.
1153 MS McCloud River Railroad Pearson 82
724 MS Mid-Continent Steam Story Interurban '88 30
98 MS Mighty "J", The Berkshire 31 Provides an in-depth look at N&W's big 4-8-4 #611 on runs east out
of Bellevue OH to Buffalo, and south from Bellevue to Columbus OH. Many, many different locations, and the dramatic NKP bridges
at Cleveland, Painesville
1267 MS Mikados of the Rio Grande Green Frog 70
998 MS Milwaukee Road 261: Rebuilt to Run Pentrex 60
578 MS Mountain Steam Staedleman 120
969 MS Moving Steam Menkelsounds 120
1452 MS Mt. Rainier Scenic's Geared Locomotives Pentrex '96 69
421 MS N&W Class A #1218 Video Rails 60 See #1218 in over six months of service - rebuilding, aerial shots, side
by side with #611 in Roanoke, plus vintage film of As in service. A highly acclaimed video.
1029 MS N&W 611 Plus NKP 765 Plus UP 8444 Greg Scholl 70
982 MS N&W 611 Through Ohio Zeitler 78
666 MS N&W Railway #1218 Heritage 47
105 MS Narrow Gauge In Winter Sunday River 23 EX-D&RGW K-28 and K-36s, with passenger consists on the Durango &
Silverton, plus dramatic scenes of Rio Grande rotary plows in action on the Cumbres. Memorable!
279 MS Narrow Rails Still Shine Railway Productions 60 A comprehensive documentary of the Rio Grande Narrow Gauge,
taking a long look at the Durango & Silverton, the Cumbres & Toltec, plus interesting interviews with old timers who
worked the narrow gauge in years past.
1141 MS New Georgia Railroad Green Frog '86 28
1371 MS New Georgia Steam Railroad Pentrex 80
1706 MS New River Steam Train Excursion W. Ferguson ?
720 MS Nickel Plate Road 587 Frankfort to Muncie IN Zeitler (A) 45
721 MS Nickel Plate Road 765 Huntington to Hinton WV 10-12-91 Zeitler (A) 45
1136 MS Nickel Plate Summer Berkshire '89 60
1143 MS NKP 587 Allen Park to Bellevue Zeitler (A) 108
246 MS NKP 765 Autumn In The Great Gorge Sunday River 41 NKP Berkshire #765 is the star of this show, which features
a good deal of straight-ahead footage shot from the pilot beam as #765 threads its way up the deep and shadowy New River Gorge.
Over 50 runbys as well.
1767 MS No. 261 Winter Spectacular Goodheart 54 Excursion trips from Steamtown, winter 1996
1347 MS No.261, New River Adventure Goodheart 56
1770 MS ED NORCAL's Trip to Railfair '99 Pearson 58
729 MS Norfolk & Western 1218 (Mighty Steam Series) Pentrex '91 30
263 MS Norfolk & Western Class J #611 Video Rails 60 Here is the definitive video on this famous streamlined steam
engine. Contains scenes of Js in regular service.
1708 MS Norfolk Southern Steam Tape #1 R. Smith (A) ?
1709 MS Norfolk Southern Steam Tape #2 R. Smith (A) ?
1710 MS Norfolk Southern Steam Tape #3 R. Smith (A) ?
605 MS NORFOLK SOUTHERN'S POCOHONTAS DIVISION Berkshire 60 Hot freight action, 1989, between Bluefield and Williamson
WV. An engrossing hour
for the modern diesel fan. Produced by Steve Neff.
664 MS Northwest Northern Berkshire 90
386 MS NS #152 Suspended In Time Greg Scholl 58 A widely-acclaimed program detailing the runs of several Special Photagraphers
Trains in Kentucky, in the middle 198Os.
325 MS NS #611 & #750 Chattanooga Bound Mainline 90 A video record of seven trips of the famous 'J in spring 1983.
Some great sequences, including a cab ride. Also, has footage of 4-6-2 Pacific #750, including her ill-fated return run from
Chattanooga to Birmingham.
757 MS NW J 611 Railhead Video '85 65
1863 MS Ohio Central Steamfest 1997 Mainline Motion Pictures '97 60 Engines 1551, 13, and 1293 strut their stuff.
You'll see hopper trains, double headers, with plenty of stack talk and towering plumes of steam and smoke.
1808 MS Operation San Jose Mark I '92 150 Complete coverage of the 1992 NRHS Convention, with UP #3985, SP Daylight
#4449, and SP 4-6-2 #2472.
431 MS Pacific Through The Cumberlands Lasting Impressions 30 Follow L&N 152, a fine old Rogers Pacific, as it
roams eastern Kentucky in autumn of 1986. Good color and sound; locations captioned. Diesel fans will appreciate the Monon
BL2 in the consist.
716 MS CD CP Pentrex Previews, Vol. III Pentrex '91 80
1558 MS Phoenix Engine - 614 on the B&O Railroad Hopewell 41
1138 MS Project 3751 - Restoration Derryberry ? missing
1201 MS PRR Mainline Steam RR Video 60
912 MS Queen Of The Fleet Hopewell 52
694 MS Railfair '91 Green Frog 60
827 MS CD Railfair '91/Escalon CA/Sacramento RR Museum/TO Tower 1990 Pearson Prod. '91 60 two cassettes
1886 MS Railfair '99/Railtown 1897 Greg Falluszczak 60 A montage of bright video scenes of steam -- sounds of whistles,
clanking rods, with lots of railfans milling around. The action is fast paced, with a variety of engines. Stereo.
440 MS Railfan Weekend At Steamtown Mark I ?
881 MS Railfanning the Silverton Mark I 110 A comprehensive railfan's guide to the Durange & Silverton - from the
trains and lineside, tours of the yards and roundhouse, plus a lot of archival footage.
1739 MS CD Railroad Video Magazine Green Frog '97 65
1305 MS CP Railroad Video Quarterly, Aug. '95 Revelation 120
1257 MS CD Railroad Video Quarterly, Feb. '95 Revelation 120
1258 MS CD Railroad Video Quarterly, May '95 Revelation 120
1256 MS CD Railroad Video Quarterly, Nov.'94 Revelation 120
194 MS Rails Across The Summit WB Video 28 Good video on the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad, with a variety of
camera angles and beautiful scenery, mountains, trestles and the essence of narrow gauge railroading.
692 MS Rails Of The Reading Reborn Nelson Guild 120
190 MS Rambling On The Reading Sunday River 60 Here is a film record of the famous.Reading Rambles from 1959 to 1964,
with T-1 #2124 and others. Fine photography as these beautiful Northerns travel through various parts of Pennsylvania amid
brilliant autumn foliage.
836 MS Rebirth of A Locomotive, The Durango & Silverton '92 24 Restoration of class K-36 # 482
1860 MS Renaissance Of The Rails (All Steam) Ferguson 60 An all-steam video featuring the Hocking Valley 'Dogwood Express';
Ohio Central "Canal Fulton Sugarcreek", C&O 2765 "Steel City Express" and "New River Train".
1396 MS RH Return of the Edaville 2' Narrow Gauge RR to Maine Lejonhud, P. ?
2008 MS FR Return Of The Giants Frameline 80 Steam preservation in South Africa today. Challenges and accomplishments
are catalogued, along with a rip-snortin' parade of restored Garratts, 25NC's, and 15F's.
1704 MS Ridin' That New River Train W. Ferguson ?
1519 MS Riding the Rails on America's Most Beautiful Steam Engine Skyfire 30
1416 MS Rio Grande Rotary Spectacular Mark I 90
1417 MS Rio Grande Snow Freight Mark I 60
643 MS Rio Grande Southern Review Colorado Railroad Museum 60
1002 MS Rio Grande Steam '92 Video Rails 120
135 MS Rio Grande Work Train Video Rails 40 Narrow gauge in the Rockies! An authentic D&RGW work train takes us
through the Colorado mountains in the fall.
We see a Jordan spreader in action, take a tour of the engine's cab, and even ride the pilot.
1376 MS Roarin' Runbys Mark I 60
1430 MS Roaring Camp & Big Trees NGRR Goldhill '94 30
1151 MS Roaring Camp & Big Trees RR Vol. 2 Pearson 47
1674 MS Rocky Mountain Snowplow Greg Scholl '97 90
787 MS Rotary On The Rio Grande Narrow Gauge Green Frog '89 70
137 MS Royalty Across The Rockies Sunday River 35 Excellent video of Hudsons #2860 & #2839, with many well-filmed
runbys and mountain scenery. Also, contains 'Royal Hudson and 'Royalty Across the Smokies. Highly recommended
822 MS Runnin' That New River Train Hopewell '91 40
512 MS RO Running A Steam Locomotive Head Of Steam Video 90
641 MS Sacramento Railfair, 1991 Pentrex 60
1844 MS Sacramento Steam '99 Pentrex '99 210 In June 1999 the California State Railroad Museum hosted Railfair '99,
and this marathon video is a record of the steam action there: UP 3985 and 844, the SP Daylight, ATSF 3751, SP 2467. Over
40 different locomotives on two cassettes.
1535 MS Saluda - 611 Deux American Altavista 80
1536 MS Saluda, The Final Challenge Connell Video 60
1411 MS San Jose NRHS Convention Video Rails 60
825 MS San Jose's Steam Celebration Pentrex '92 120
717 MS Santa Fe 3751 - Return To Steam Pentrex '92
763 MS Santa Fe 3751 The Real Return To Steam Video Rails 60
1112 MS Santa Fe 3751: The Restoration Video Rails '92 60
939 MS Santa fe Employee Recognition Special Pentrex 40
1862 MS Santa's Clinchfield Challenger Mainline Motion Pictures 60 Four camera crews follow Union Pacific 4-6-6-4 #3985
repainted as Clinchfield # 676, working a Clinchfield Christmas Special. Tunnels, steep grades, wheel slips, trestles, cab
sequences -- everything you could ask!
1479 MS Scenic Ride on Mt. Washington Cog P. Lejonhud(A) ? ?
1707 MS Scenic Ride on the Amtrak Cardinal W. Ferguson ?
1856 MS Scenic Train Rides in West Virginia - Cass Lejonhud 120 A trip to Cass, 1989, and to Bald Knob, 1993, with
roving amateur rail photographer Phil Lejonhud. He goes on the rides and pretty much films everything, so watching the video
is like taking the ride.
2059 MS Scenic Train Rides Of California, Vol. 2 Phil Lejunhud (A) 120 Filmed and narrated by amateur photographer
Phil Lejonhud, this tape conveys the experience of visiting the Yreka & Western, The McCloud River, Potola RR Museum,
Tehachapi Loop, Yolo Short Line and more. 2nd generation dub quality.
1857 MS Scenic Train Rides of Pennsylvania, Vol. 1 Lejonhud 120 Gettysburg RR and Strasburg RR, 1989; New Hope RR,
East Broadtop RR, Horseshoe Curve National Monument, Duquesne Incline, 1990.
1254 MS Sierra Railroad Green Frog 40
1003 MS Sierra Railroad Green Frog 40
400 MS Sierra Railroad Pearson, R. 40 Amateur video of the well-known steam powered tourist railroad at Jamestown CA.
Watch their perky 2-8-0 at work switching and out on the line.
821 MS Six One One Lasting Impressions
249 MS Slim Rails Through The San Juans Green Frog 53 One of the best videos on the Cumbres and Toltec with shots from
the front of the locomotive, pacing sequences and fantastic stereo sound. Narrow gauge fans will love this one.
141 MS Southern 4501 '85 JMJ 48 Good steam action with Southern's green and gold 2-8-2 on excursions from Greensboro
NC to Roanoke and Keysville. We pay visits to the Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum and the Roanoke Transportation Museum
as well.
354 MS Southern Chessie 2716 JMJ '82 50
871 MS Southern Pacific 2472 Pentrex 60 A chronicle of the Golden Gate Railroad Museum's beautifully restored 4-6-2
on its longest trip to date, from San Jose to Los Angeles and back, in September 1992, on the head of the "Pacific Limited".
725 MS Southern Pacific Daylight 4449 (Mighty Steam Series) Pentrex '91 30
142 MS Southern Pacific Railfair '81 Video Rails 50
480 MS Southern Royalty Starlake 30
1773 MS SP&S #700 Washington Steamfest Greg Scholl '91 60 Restored steam locomotive makes first tour.
1130 MS St. Louis Spring Steam Spectacular S.G. Video '90 120
513 MS St. Louis Steam Celebration Pentrex 120
1754 MS Steam '98 Pentrex '98 120
591 MS Steam Experience 1990 Elite Modelers 120
350 MS Steam EXPO Pentrex 90 The biggest steam event of the century saw 20 operating steam locomotives assembled.
Pentrex shows close-ups of them all, and records the Grand Parade of Steam.
970 MS Steam Gems Menkelsounds 120
681 MS Steam In Huntington Greg Scholl 90
652 MS Steam In The West Greg Scholl 90
449 MS Steam In Western Maryland and W. Virginia Albright, D. 60 #1238, #2100
1879 MS Steam MILW 261 & UP 844 MVP '99 60 Steam excursions in Illinois during 1996 and 1998, with plenty of runbys.
At the close of the tape you'll see some in-cab action scenes with Alco S-6 and C-424 diesels.
1532 MS Steam Over Tennessee Pass Pentrex 90
656 MS Steam Shortlines, Southern Style A&R 45
155 MS Steam Still Stands Berkshire '85 52 A visit to the Strasburg Railroad in Pennsylvania, with a stroll through
the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania. Covers the epic doubleheader of June 8, 1985.
1902 MS Steam Through the Piney Woods - The Texas State Railroad Pentrex '99 75 Baldwin Consolidation #300 and a former
Santa Fe Pacific type do battle with the steep grades and sharp turns of this 25 mile tourist railroad in East Texas.
920 MS Steam To Chicago Pentrex 60
659 MS Steam To Huntington 1225, 765 & 1218 Pentrex 90
442 MS Steam To Los Angeles Pentrex 75
1891 MS Steam to Railfair '99 Pentrex '99 80 Union Pacific 844 and 3985, and SP Daylight 4449 made their way to Sacramento
in June 1999 for Railfair '99, and if you haven't seen enough of these famous locomotives yet, by all means rent this excellent
693 MS Steam To Sacramento Pentrex 90
1747 MS Steam to Squamish Pentrex 42 Royal Hudson 2860 journeys over BC Rail's route along the coast of Western Canada
558 MS Steam To St. Louis Pentrex 90
1025 MS Steamfest '90 Mark I ?
948 MS Steamin' At North Conway Lejonhud, Phil 30
2037 MS Steamin' From Bartlett to Crawford Notch Lejonhud (A) '00 55 0-6-0 #7470 on the Conway Scenic Railroad pulls
coaches full of enthusiastic railfans through vistas of autumn leaves. Come along for a beautiful ride.
1005 MS Steamin' in '92 Trackside 90
1406 MS Steamtown Grand Opening Pentrex 60
1287 MS Steamtown Grand Opening Video Goodheart 57
506 MS ED Steamtown USA (Scranton PA) Berkshire 60
160 MS Strasburg Railroad Railroad Video Prod. '84 60
829 MS Strasburg Railroad August '92 K. Nelson (A) 47
1834 MS Strasburg Railroad Starring 475 & Thomas The Tank Engine Train-'N' Prod., '99 58 Features steam loco #475
and the new Thomas The Tank Engine train, Sept. '99.
1974 MS Susquehanna Steam Express Engine 142 Mark I 75 The complete story of the Susquehanna Railroad's Cinese built
2-8-2. You'll see other engines of this class in action in China, with scenes in the TanShan erecting shops. Then the locomotive
is een being unloaded at Camden, NJ.
575 MS Suwanee Steam Special Green Frog 60
517 MS Switching Along The Rio Grande Green Frog 22
1285 MS Today's Steam Across America Pentrex 240
172 MS Train To Everywhere: The 1978 Chessie Steam Special Hopewell '78 50
1638 MS CD Train Watcher's Diary, Vol. VI RR Video '92 60
830 MS ED Trains Volume I K. Nelson (A) 116
980 MS Tripleheader Rotary Greg Scholl '93 120
727 MS Union Pacific 3985 (Mighty Steam Series) Pentrex '91 30
981 MS Union Pacific 3985 East of the Mississippi Zeitler 79
726 MS Union Pacific 844 (Mighty Steam Series) Pentrex '91 30
200 MS Union Pacific 8444 - 1987 Pentrex 60 See #8444 in its fresh two-tone gray paint job, racing through Wyoming,
Colorado and Nebraska. Wonderful images of pacing and smoke, all in the fantastic color that Pentrex always delivers.
1714 MS Union Pacific Odyssey, V. 1, PT. 2 Green Frog ?
175 MS Union Pacific Steam '81 Video Rails 60 Cheyenne to Sacramento round trip behind doubleheaded UP steam. 70mph
runbys. Wow.
2096 MS Union Pacific Steam 844 & 3985 Gandy Dancer '91 30 Union Pacific Crew Video lets you experience all the
power and excitement of these two historic engines, narrated by Bob Krieger, UP steam crew engineer.
1137 MS Union Pacific Steam Specials '89 Gandy Dancer '89 120
1795 MS Union Pacific Steam Specials Railfair '91 Gandy Dancer 60 UP #844 and #3985
967 MS Union Pacific's 40th Anniversary Steam Excursion Pentrex '93 75
999 MS Union Pacific's Clinchfield Challenge Pentrex '93 120 UP 3985 takes on the role of Santa Claus Special on the
Clinchfield Railroad in 1992. Two full hours of great scenes as this huge articulated roams the twisting valleys of Kentucky
and Tennessee.
597 MS UP #3985 1990 Elite Modelers 120
1713 MS UP #3985 on the Clinchfield, 11/92 R. Smith (A) ?
7 MS UP #3985 Steam Express Challenger Video Rails 45 The Challenger! Cab ride, 70mph pacing, nifty camera angles
cover the trip from Cheyenne WY to Pocatello ID
1784 MS UP 3985 Over Cajon Pentrex '94 75 UPRHS Los Angeles Chapter Convention runs, 1994
942 MS UP Challenger Steam Crew Video Gandy Dancer 30 currently unavailable
1614 MS UP Steam Across the Rockies; Royal Gorge Valhalla '97 82
1822 MS/ED ED Vignettes Of The Pennsylvania Railroad, Vol. 1 Clear Block '98 58 Scenes from 'The Standard Railroad Of
The World', plus the work of outstanding rail photographers at such locations as Johnstown, Rockville Bridge, Hagerstown,
Perryville, etc. Also shows New York and Long Branch in New Jersey.
2056 MS Virginia & Truckee Revisited, The Pearson Prod. '00 25 Jack rides the V&T on Jully 22, 2000. Today,
the train is pulled by Feather River Short Line's #8 locomotive, a 1907 Baldwin. The conductor keeps up a running commentary
while Jack films the scenery under brilliant sunshine. Good image quality.
527 MS Washington Centennial Steam Pentrex 60
178 MS Wheeling In the Rathole Hopewell 50 NKP 765 in 1982, eastbound out of Bellevue, gives us some of the best steam
action of the decade as she eats up the miles. Then she takes on the Rathole Division!
1214 MS CP Wine Train 2/V&T 3 Pearson 75
1388 MS Yreka Western Railroad Pearson 25